Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If you listened to the From Surviving to Thriving Tele-summit  you heard amazing women breast cancer thrivers share their journey from diagnosis to recovery and how breast cancer transformed our lives.  If you didn’t have an opportunity to listen or want to listen again, creator and breast cancer thriver Rochelle Togo-Figa has made the recordings of all 10 guest speakers and information about their special bonus gifts available for you on her website:  Your Life After Breast Cancer   And, please feel free to share these recordings with other women breast cancer thrivers. Together we can create a movement of Thrivers!

My own recording was featured on Day Three- Finding your Voice, and is available for download at
Your Life After Breast Cancer.  Special offers are listed below.

Amelia Frahm

Amelia Frahm is author of the award winning children’s picture book, Tickles Tabitha’s Cancer-tankerous Mommy, creator of Crack Open a Book! Cancer Education Programs, and owner of the Nutcracker Publishing Company. She was diagnosed 15 years ago when talking to young children about issues like cancer still raised eyebrows, and her book idea was rejected by mainstream publishers. Undaunted, she established Nutcracker Publishing and helped pioneer cancer education resources for children and families coping with cancer.
Bonus: From now until
Mother’s Day Amelia is offering a buy one—get one—book
offer, through her website

Nutcracker Publishing
. Telesummit listeners were
also able to download a free copy of the

Cancer Education Curriculum
. Plus, if you would like
Amelia Frahm to visit your classroom, book club,
organization or group, but live too far away let Amelia
know you participated in the telesummit and she’ll
you for free. For more information go to

Amelia's Skype an Author Network

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