Monday, December 05, 2011

Nuclear Power: That's how Santa lights his Christmas lights!

My elves have been busy and I owe my children big time for this one!

December is always a busy month and this year it's also the launch month for Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works! 

What's the worst-best reindeer gifts you ever received? That's the topic I'm addressing when I speak at the Apex, North Carolina Rotary club on December 8th.

Then I'm looking forward to going to Bay City, Texas where I'll be the guest author at a booksigning event at Lisa's  Main Street Wine and Coffee Bar on Saturday, December 10th.

On December 17th I'm getting an early Christmas present as I watch my daughter Tabitha  graduate from North Carolina State University as one of her college's Valedictorians!

Hope there's a moment to do some Christmas shopping in there somewhere. Ho Ho Ho!